Visuel de France 2030
Visuel de France 2030 - Source : French Government Information Department

Major objectives

Publié le 07/05/2024|Modifié le 02/05/2024

France 2030, building the France of tomorrow, sets 10 major objectives.


Meet the major challenges of our time

Develop innovative small nuclear reactors , low-carbon hydrogen, zero-carbon electric vehicles and biomedicines.
Build the first low-carbon aircraft.
Launch the third agricultural revolution, with food chains that respect biodiversity and intelligent agricultural equipment.
Support immersive technologies and virtual reality.
Prepare society as a whole for the jobs of tomorrow by investing in training.
Explore the deep sea and the new space to better understand and respect them.
France 2030 is a response to the major challenges of our time, be they ecological, demographic, economic, technological, industrial or social. And at the heart of this ambitious plan initiated by the French government is innovation.

10 societal objectives

Unprecedented in its scope, France 2030 aims to bring about lasting change in the key sectors of our economy through research, innovation and industrial investment.
It also aims to position France not just as a player, but as a leader in the economy of the future, while investing in projects that have no negative impact on the environment.
To achieve this, 10 societal objectives have been established. They are based on three major challenges:
    • roducing better,
    • living better
    • and understanding our world better
These objectives involve decarbonising our production methods (energy, industry, transport), improving our quality of life (food, health, culture) and expanding our knowledge base (education, space, deep seabed).

The first challenge is energy production, and we are fortunate to have a comparative advantage - nuclear power - which makes France one of the European countries that produces electricity with the lowest CO2 emissions. Although our industry has historically been one of the most competitive, France is currently lagging behind when it comes to innovative, breakthrough reactors. The aim is to encourage the emergence of a French offering of small modular reactors and to stimulate breakthrough innovation in advanced nuclear reactors in order to guarantee new uses, enhanced safety and better waste management.

Hydrogen is essentially produced by electrolysis, which uses a large amount of electricity. Nuclear power will enable us to make our country a leader in carbon-free hydrogen. We must also support the other industrial solutions for low-carbon hydrogen (membranes, fuel cells, tanks, etc.), while continuing to develop ecosystems in the regions. Major investment in structuring the industry is essential if we are to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past in supporting renewable energies. France’s ambition is to have at least two gigafactories for electrolysers and all the technologies needed to use hydrogen.

This objective goes hand in hand with strengthening the renewable energy sector (photovoltaic cells, wind turbine floats, heat pumps, intermittent power management, etc.). This three-pronged approach - nuclear, hydrogen and renewable energies - will enable us to produce low-carbon, stable and competitive energy.

Private investment alone is not enough to achieve this objective, and must be accompanied by public support. This large-scale investment will target both the decarbonisation of high-emission industrial sites (e.g. steelworks, heavy chemicals, cement works, aluminium) and the deployment of mature solutions (renewable heat, energy efficiency, electrification). This decarbonisation strategy, which will enhance the competitiveness of our industries in a world of rising carbon prices, is a further argument against outsourcing.

Alongside the scheduled end of sales of combustion-powered vehicles, we must step up our transition efforts in the automotive industry. This strategy should be complemented by substantial investment in the deployment of fast electric recharging stations, public transport, new forms of travel and a new industrial strategy. This will require a collective effort, involving manufacturers and major component suppliers.

In order to continue accelerating research and development efforts to decarbonise the aviation industry, France 2030 will support French players involved in the production of low-carbon aircraft. A special component will be dedicated to innovative SMEs and start-ups in the sector, as well as to projects for the industrialisation of sustainable alternative fuels for aviation.

Providing healthy food for a growing population calls for the decarbonisation of production and the preservation of biodiversity, which is under increasing threat. We must restore value to agriculture by paying our farmers for their work and investment.

This objective is part of the 2030 Health Innovation Plan. Despite a huge amount of research in the healthcare sector, a university hospital model linking clinical care and research, and a fair system that withstood the crisis and in which we have invested heavily through the Ségur de la santé programme, France is currently lagging behind its European partners.

This gap is the result of de-industrialisation and a lack of investment in breakthrough innovations such as biotechnology. Our human capacity and our research and practice infrastructures leave us no choice but to return to the forefront of a medicine that is more predictive, more preventive, more innovative, more personalised and with a production base that is more firmly rooted in France.

The medical revolution - without which our healthcare spending will skyrocket - will be based on the convergence of disruptive innovations in healthcare with quantum technology, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. The - achievable - goal of producing at least 20 biomedicines must be the focus of all our efforts, and in particular those of the future Health Innovation Agency.

Living better, as we have experienced during the crisis, also means embodying the French humanist ideals that make us who we are. The cultural and creative industries shape our imagination - particularly that of our children - filter our access to information, and define our perceptions and ideals.

France, a country of literature, philosophy, theatre, cinema, music and video games, must continue to make its voice heard by promoting its cultural heritage and developing new content and experiences.

Our partners are investing in these industries, which represent 640,000 jobs and €91 billion in revenue in France. Public involvement will make it possible to encourage investment and contribute to the creation of new industries, alongside the private sector. The aim is to invest in very concrete ways: in our studios, in new technologies offering immersive experiences, and in professional training; the objective will also be to make our ecosystem of immersive technologies (video games, augmented reality, virtual reality, etc.) a global leader.

The France of 2030 must not forget the great odysseys of discovery and adventure - human, intellectual and scientific.

A New Space, made up of a wide variety of players financed by private funds and state agencies, is being built, raising radical new questions about space sovereignty. France must take up the challenge of new space exploration by working with both established and new players.

France, the world’s second largest maritime power in terms of the size of its exclusive economic zones, has the capacity to explore this unknown part of the also offers potential access to certain critical metals, innovation in healthcare and biomimicry.

Apply to France 2030

Contribute to the momentum of France 2030!

Are you a start-up, SME, large industrial group, higher education establishment, research organisation, laboratory or school that wants to help “give France a head start” through innovation?


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