Visuel de France 2030
Visuel de France 2030 - Source : Service d'information du Gouvernement


Publié le 07/05/2024|Modifié le 02/05/2024

Six key cross-functional levers for success.

The 10 major objectives of France 2030 are based on 6 cross-functional levers (raw materials, components, digital technologies, talent and innovation financing, development of higher education, research and innovation ecosystems), which are essential to achieving this ambition.

The crisis highlighted the importance of securing supplies of critical materials. As we emerge from the crisis and the global economy recovers, many sectors are facing supply issues.

France 2030 should enable us to safeguard the plastics and metals industries, consolidate the timber industry, invest in the circular economy and, in general, reduce our dependence on imports.

    • Recycle 100% of plastics and develop innovative materials with low environmental impact
    • Securing the supply, refinement and recycling chain for critical metals
    • Support forestry renewal, with a view to sustainable management and preservation of biodiversity, optimising the use of wood resources and supporting the competitiveness of the industry.

The crisis revealed our shortcomings in the areas of semi-conductors, electronics, robotics and the medical sector.

If France 2030 is to succeed, we must combine a European strategy, given the size of the industry and the stakes involved, with a national strategy aimed at doubling our electronics production by 2030 and making France a leader in the field of electronic chips.

    • Double French production of electronic components
    • Support the emergence of Factory 4.0 projects and bolster France’s supply of equipment for the industry of the future

Our capacity to harness trusted, high-performance and sovereign digital solutions will be decisive if we are to innovate without sacrificing technological independence in most sectors. We therefore need to pursue and intensify the strategies we have launched in the areas of cloud, quantum, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and 5G.

    • Develop our national software solutions (pursue the quantum, AI, cybersecurity, 5G and cloud strategies already announced).
    • Facilitate the adoption of these solutions, particularly in agriculture, healthcare and industry.

Re-industrialising France depends on developing talent and investing in skills at all levels of qualification - engineers, technicians, specialised workers, etc. - particularly in cutting-edge segments and areas experiencing persistent recruitment shortages. This involves all routes to training: our schools, universities and research laboratories, and our training organisations.

France 2030 must provide us with a 10-year strategy for transforming and modernising our training provision to focus on the sectors and occupations of the future by 2030.

This strategy will incorporate the lessons learned from the previous actions of the Future Investment Programmes (Programmes d’investissements d’avenir, PIA) and the Skills Investment Plan (Plan d’investissement dans les compétences, PIC) launched in 2018 to boost training for those furthest from employment and transform training practices, particularly through digitisation.

    • Trengthen France’s training system to enable up to 400,000 young people, job seekers and employees a year to be trained and prepared for the professions of the future in strategic sectors.
    • Support the emergence of a number of world-class clusters in the field of artificial intelligence.

Continued support for innovation and French Tech since 2017 have made France a technological leader in Europe today: our start-ups are becoming international champions; we will far exceed the target of 25 unicorns by 2025. This revolution must be sustained if we are to catch up in terms of disruptive innovation (DeepTech and industrial start-ups) and create technological giants.

With France 2030, one of our objectives will be to enable the emergence of at least 100 industrial sites per year and to accelerate the growth of these companies at European level.

These three allocations will be reserved 100% for emerging players.

    • Disruptive innovation
    • Develop and support DeepTech and accelerate the industrialisation of start-ups
    • Boost the development of start-ups

France 2030 is a clear commitment to science and knowledge. In order to support as many people as possible as they prepare for the careers of the future, to support excellence in French research and its transfer to the economy, France 2030 will continue to make substantial investments in higher education establishments. To develop a favourable environment for accelerating research and training in these priority sectors, France 2030 will support and accompany the transformation of our higher education, research and innovation ecosystems.

    • Support and promote differentiation among higher education establishments by encouraging the emergence of and supporting projects that enhance all forms of excellence.
    • Provide support for a limited period to services or entities dedicated to assisting lecturers and researchers in setting up projects.
    • Continue to support the key players in the ecosystem (IdEx, IRT-ITE, etc.).
    • upport experimental projects and demonstrators that bring together schools and local public educational establishments with external partners, with the aim of improving their operations in the long term.

Apply to France 2030

Contribute to the momentum of France 2030!

Are you a start-up, SME, large industrial group, higher education establishment, research organisation, laboratory or school that wants to help “give France a head start” through innovation?


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